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Undergraduate Tuition

2024-2025 Undergraduate, Full-Time Cost of Attendance

Annual Direct Costs

Billed costs based on major, courses, housing, meal choices.

  Business, Science, Humanities and Education Health Science, Computer Science, and Engineering **
Tuition $38,110 $40,430
Fees* $1,386 $1,386
On-Campus Housing/Meals*** $15,960 $15,960
Total $55,456 $57,776
Per Credit Rate if Less than Full-time $920 $990

Annual Indirect Costs

Costs which are not billed by ÌÇÐÄVLOGÍøÒ³°æ and vary per student.

Item Annual Indirect Cost
Personal Expenses $1,556
Transportation $1,394
Books, Course Materials, Supplies and Equipment $1,246
Commuter Housing/Meals Estimate $4,032


  • A flat rate of 12-18 credits/semester is charged. Students wishing to enroll in more than 18 credits are charged the per credit rate for each additional credit.
  • * Fees include University Fee $1,100, APB $114, SGA $66, Engagement $106
  • ** Additional lab fees will be required for these majors
  • *** On-Campus cost for Finegan Hall double + VE Knight + $300 + GU Connect Fee
  • Commuter students will not be charged for On-Campus Housing/Meals
  • Course and Program Fees  - refer to the  page for a complete listing
  • Housing Costs - refer to the housing section for other options for living on-campus

2025 Summer Undergraduate Cost of Attendance

Costs based on half-time enrollment of 6 credits per semester.

Direct Costs

Billed costs based on major and course choices.

  Business, Science, Humanities and Education Health Science, Computer Science, and Engineering **
Tuition $5,520 $5,940
University Fee $300 $300
Total $5,820 $6,240
Per Credit Rate $920 $990

Indirect Costs

Costs which are not billed by ÌÇÐÄVLOGÍøÒ³°æ and vary per student.

Item  Indirect Cost
Housing and Meals $1,962
Personal Expenses $755
Transportation $677
Books, Course Materials, Supplies and Equipment $605


  • ** Additional lab fees will be required for these majors
  • Course and Program Fees  - refer to the  page for a complete listing
  • Housing Costs - refer to the housing section for other options for living on-campus