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For Accepted Students

Physician Assistant Students in Lab

Registering for Class

Once accepted as a new graduate student, all students are required to meet with their advisor to determine an appropriate class schedule. Advisors are typically the program directors and their names and contact information will be in the new students' acceptance letter. Advisors will assist you in finding courses that work with your schedule and determine a program of study to help you complete your degree. When you are ready to register for your second, and subsequent semesters, you will have the option of registering yourself online at  with advisor approval.

Screenshot of the my.gannon.edu website.


As an accepted student, you will be provided with a username and password to access  which includes features such as campus email and course learning systems.

Houses at 221 and 223 West 5th Street

Graduate Student Housing

Whether you are a returning student looking for new accommodations or an incoming student requesting accommodations on campus, you will have the opportunity to choose options in apartment-style . Please note that graduate housing is for students without dependents only.