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Computer and Information Science

    Accelerated, Master of Science in Computer and Information Science
    Erie, Pennsylvania

Program Overview

Computer and Information Science (CIS) has been one of the most dynamic fields in recent decades. With growing demand for computing professionals, the program is designed to provide advanced studies for those who wish to continue preparation for effective participation in computing professions. The program provides continuing education in advanced subjects for CIS professionals who wish to stay abreast of the rapidly changing technological world. Emphasis is placed on the development of the student's skill for independent study and continued professional growth.

Master of Science in Computer and Information Science Options

The Master of Science in Computer and Information Science offers students three options, which allow the student to select a technology, analytical or a practical and applied focus for the application of computing technologies. These consist of Information Technology, Data Science and Software Engineering. Each option consists of 30 credits of graduate work beyond the foundations series, and each specifies its own foundations series courses. The specific courses of study for each option is described below.

Course of Study for Data Science (DS)

Data Science is a dynamic and fast growing field at the interface of Statistics and Computer Science. The emergence of massive datasets containing millions or even billions of observations provides the primary impetus for the field. Such datasets arise, for instance, in large-scale retailing, telecommunications, astronomy, medical domain, volumes of documents and social media. The MS-CIS with Data Science option prepares students to understand major practice areas in data science. They can collect, organize and manage data, identify patterns in data using visualization, statistical analysis and data mining, develop actionable insight based on big data, communicate data analysis and findings to people across a broad range of industries. They meet the demand of careers including Data Engineer, Data Architect, Statistical Programmer, and Big Data Analysts..

In addition to the overall program outcomes, at the conclusion of the program of study, the DS-option graduate will be able to:

  1. Identify patterns in data using data mining techniques.
  2. Manage large-scale data and the practical issues surrounding how the data is stored, processed, and analyzed in the cloud
  3. Extract knowledge from large amounts of text data

Course of Study of Information Technology (IT)

The MS-CIS with Information Technology Option is designed for students who wish to combine technical competence in information technology with knowledge of managerial and organizational issues. Students will have extensive skill and experience in the design and implementation of operational databases as well as the data warehousing, cloud computing technologies and related business intelligence technologies for managing the enterprise. They will be trained on the business intelligence techniques to discover knowledge from massive data sets along with the importance on data security. This option will prepare the student with the management and advanced technology skills needed to become a leader and decision-maker in the technology field. Career tracks include Database and Cloud Network Administrators and Designers, Data Security and Business Intelligence Analysts.

In addition to the overall program outcomes, at the conclusion of the program of study, the IT-option graduate will be able to:

  1. Understand database modeling, design and implementation
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of Cloud Computing Technologies
  3. Derive intelligence from large volumes of business data

Course of Study for Software Engineering (SE)

The Software Engineering (SE) option focuses on mobile computing and interactive software development. Software testing and quality assurance methods are weaved throughout the curriculum. Students develop interactive apps for iOS (iPad, iPhone) and Android.

In addition to the overall program outcomes, at the conclusion of the program of study, the SE-option graduate will be able to:

  1. Develop and deploy goal-oriented, high-quality interactive software systems
  2. Identify and apply effective engineering development techniques

Student Learning Outcomes

Data Science

Degree: Graduate | Master of Science in Computer and Information Science
College: College of Engineering and Business

Information Technology

Degree: Graduate | Master of Science in Computer and Information Science
College: College of Engineering and Business

Software Engineering

Degree: Graduate | Master of Science in Computer and Information Science
College: College of Engineering and Business

Our Faculty Experts

Ronny Bazan-Antequera

Assistant Teaching Professor
Computer & Information Science

Jeremy Cannell

Visiting Instructor
Computer & Information Science

Adjunct Lecturer
Computer & Information Science

Peter Capelli

Visiting Assistant Professor,
Computer & Information Science

Rashid Khan

Assistant Professor
Computer & Information Science

Assistant Professor

Yunkai Liu

Computer & Information Science

Program Director
Computer & Information Science

Professor, Cybersecurity

Sheheeda Mariam Manakkadu

Assistant Professor
Computer & Information Science

Joshua Nwokeji

Associate Professor
Computer & Information Science

Program Director
Computer & Information Science

Marwah Obaid

Visiting Instructor
Computer & Information Science

Md Tajmilur Rahman

Assistant Professor
Software Engineering

Assistant Professor
Computer & Information Science

Mei-Huei Tang

Software Engineering

Computer & Information Science

Computer & Information Science

Jizhou Tong

Assistant Professor
Computer & Information Science

Program Director

Assistant Professor

Samuel Tweneboah-Koduah

Assistant Professor
Computer & Information Science

Kefei Wang

Assistant Professor
Computer & Information Science

Qing Zhang

Visiting Instructor
Computer & Information Science

Michael Beiter

Adjunct Lecturer
Computer & Information Science

Brian Camodeca

Adjunct Lecturer
Computer & Information Science

Jeremy Cannell

Visiting Instructor
Computer & Information Science

Adjunct Lecturer
Computer & Information Science

Nathan Carlin

Adjunct Lecturer
Computer & Information Science

John Coffman

Systems Administrator
Computer & Information Science

Adjunct Lecturer
Computer & Information Science

Clifton Krahenbill

Adjunct Lecturer
Computer & Information Science

Joseph Kubiak

Adjunct Lecturer
Computer & Information Science

Joseph Kwashnak

Adjunct Lecturer
Computer & Information Science

John Little

Lab Engineer
Electrical & Cyber Engineering

Adjunct Lecturer
Computer & Information Science

David Marino

Adjunct Lecturer
Computer & Information Science

Matthew Marriotti

Adjunct Lecturer
Computer & Information Science

Brian McIntyre

Manager, Academic Technology

Adjunct Lecturer
Graduate Business Studies

Adjunct Lecturer
Computer & Information Science

Jeffrey Severance

Adjunct Lecturer
Computer & Information Science

Jerry Stogner

Adjunct Lecturer
Computer & Information Science