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Keeping Pace with Today's Fast-moving Technologies and Economy

Driven by technology, today's rapidly changing economy places a premium on people who can solve complex problems, make data-driven decisions and put theory into practice. Those skills are the focus of the College of Engineering and Business. These two academic disciplines are grouped together for a reason: collaboration between engineers and business leaders will drive the 21st-century economy.

Integrating advanced technology with dynamic faculty who excel in teaching, scholarship and service, the College of Engineering and Business offers:

Institute for Health and Cyber Knowledge Computer Lab

One of the largest educational computer facilities in the tri-state area. Student labs are open and staffed sixteen hours a day, seven days a week.

Engineering student working in lab.

Research laboratories for engineering and business students with the latest software packages.

Students displaying robotics and engineering products.

The attention of graduate schools such as Caltech, Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Columbia University, and Rensselaer, all of which have recruited recent graduates.

Students conducting Environmental Science research in a river.

Student-centered faculty that will advise students as they map their way to a managerial or technical career – or both.

Group of 15 students standing in front of a presentation saying

Access to Erie's Central Business and Innovation District providing rich opportunities for internships at organizations in the public and private sectors.

Students working in an Electrical Engineering lab.

Senior capstone and senior design projects that integrate engineering and entrepreneurship.

Focusing on Career Exploration

Our students are prepared for their chosen careers as they intern with our partners.